It is easy to go off about Trump's absurd global warming tweets. But before spraining your digits in a FB circle jerk, hold up.
Consider this Biblical reference for a moment. Remember those dudes all eager to stone a woman then Jesus starts scratching their sins in the dirt?
Pretty sure we're climate deniers on par with Tweety King himself.
Pretty sure we're climate deniers on par with Tweety King himself.
Is your home powered by renewable energy? How about your transportation? Butchered your own bacon lately? Did you grow, spin and do whatever else transforms plants into cloth for those yoga pants? You pedaling your laptop right now?
Yea. Me neither.
Each of us, tweeting climate denial in a minor key of our own.
Each of us, tweeting climate denial in a minor key of our own.
With the stoning episode I always wondered why whoever she got jiggy with isn't also about to get executed. That applies here too.
Flora and fauna, including people the world over, are being pummeled with unnatural disasters and habitat loss-literally facing extinction-while us science loving, nature loving, justice seeking, crunchy AF folk are coasting; expecting external forces: governments, NGOs and businesses to do the heavy lifting of protecting us from ourselves and paying our environmental dues.
Two thousand years later and we’re still seeking scapegoats and heroes.
The future in store for my three daughters is terrifying; not, because of Trump. But because we, collectively, are and have been destroying it.
So instead of lining up stones to hurl, let's use them to build the future we need.
And, let's start with an antidote tweet:
The future in store for my three daughters is terrifying; not, because of Trump. But because we, collectively, are and have been destroying it.
So instead of lining up stones to hurl, let's use them to build the future we need.
And, let's start with an antidote tweet:
On our planet, 2018 could be the HOTTEST year on record. Perhaps I could do a little bit of that good old research to help me figure out what I can do personally and communally to protect against what the POTUS isn’t. Get to it!
In the spirit of New Year's Resolutions, here's what I'm committing to for 2018 with my pile of rocks.
1) aggressively insulate my home
2) consistently purchase food from local farmers
3) invest money in stocks committed to planetary well being
The future is just a stone's throw. What will you do with yours?
The future is just a stone's throw. What will you do with yours?
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