Wednesday, May 15, 2013

the greatest trick of all

Come close. Let me tell you a secret. I do magic.

Although I live miles away from any river, I can make water flow at my will. Hot or cold. I can also make a room warm without burning anything in it.

Even though I haven’t had my body sawn in half, I perform other death defying feats. I hurl my body through space faster than my legs can naturally pump or on two wheels. I slather unknown chemicals on my body on a regular basis; I even ingest a mixed grill of unpronounceable ingredients when I eat packaged food. I squirt products labeled toxic on my lawn and all over my house. I come through all of this unscathed.

My favorite trick?

Whatever I don’t want, I make vanish through a secret portal. I suspect you have access to it as well, the magical land of away. In fact the average American puts 5 lbs of stuff there daily. Things appear when I want, disappear when I don’t. 

The land of away reminds me of the child development stage, object permanence. In this developmental magic show, if you hide an object a baby was just playing with, the baby will believe it has disappeared. It’s a milestone when babies understand if something’s out of sight, it still exists and they will seek it.

They figure this out before the age of two.

I must confess. Unlike magic kits that come with instructions, I don’t know how these tricks actually work. I merely impose supernatural power over natural forces, the definition of magic. 

Maybe that is the greatest trick of all. I am master of so much I know so little about and can't be bothered to understand.

But thank goodness I can do all this magic. 

It keeps me young.

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